Sunday, November 9, 2008

Microsoft: more software threats but fewer flaws

BEIJING, Nov. 4 (Xinhuanet) -- Microsoft found software makers and security vendors made significant inroads in protecting their customers from malicious threats in the first half of 2008, according to its Security Intelligence Report (MSIR) released on Monday.

Based on data from hundreds of millions of computers around the globe, the report is an in-depth look at the overall software security threat environment, Microsoft said.

MSIR revealed that reports of vulnerabilities have gone down. However, the actual threat posed by cyber criminals and malware continued to grow.

"The boost in malware just goes to show that vulnerabilities and malware/exploits do not follow a direct relationship, despite the fact that malware and exploits are based on security vulnerabilities. Tracking the number of reported vulnerabilities shows the efforts of the security community to thwart attacks. Tracking the malware and exploits shows the efforts of hackers and cyber criminals," Chris Rodriguez, a Frost & Sullivan analyst, told media.

MSIR revealed that reports of vulnerabilities have gone down. However, the actual threat posed by cyber criminals and malware continued to grow.

"The boost in malware just goes to show that vulnerabilities and malware/exploits do not follow a direct relationship, despite the fact that malware and exploits are based on security vulnerabilities. Tracking the number of reported vulnerabilities shows the efforts of the security community to thwart attacks. Tracking the malware and exploits shows the efforts of hackers and cyber criminals," Chris Rodriguez, a Frost & Sullivan analyst, told media.

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