Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Software piracy matters to local developers, too

Software piracy is often described as a victimless crime that only affects the pockets of software giants such as Microsoft and Oracle. Just don't tell that to "mentor capitalist" Joey Gurango, founder and CEO of local company Gurango Software Corp..

A former managing director of Microsoft's R&D division, Gurango says that while software piracy does bite into the profits of major software firms, it also kills smaller startups that do not have the money to protect their creations from unscrupulous business owners who want to cash in on other people's investment.

He cited the case of one five-man startup company in Manila that spent close to three years building proprietary software for public schools. He said the company was able to get several clients only to discover that its much touted new software was already being copied and used by other schools without paying a single centavo in license fees.

"Now, two of their employees want to quit. This isn't an isolated case. There are literally hundreds of people who invested their time, blood, sweat and tears into their products and are being deprived of their just rewards. These are Filipinos like us," he said at the launch of Global Anti-Piracy Day in Makati.

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