Monday, August 25, 2008

Focus on the quality of software projects

Businesses are spending more money on software development as the complexity of applications increases. But as the economy plunges into recession, IT directors will find it increasingly difficult to retain a programming team capable of sustaining complex internal application development. Users need to focus on improving the quality of software development to tackle escalating costs, warns Melinda-Carol Ballou, an analyst at IDC.

An IDC survey of 149 IT departments found that 63% of users were running software development projects that were more complex now than in the past two years. Complexity has been rising due to the growth in service oriented architectures and multicore hardware, which can complicate software development and the increasing use of open source, which involves greater collaboration and co-ordination among software developers.

Downtime arising from poorly tested software is expensive. In one example from the study, IDC estimates the average cost of fixing a defect in a production system at £1,093, assuming it takes 30 man-hours to find and repair the bug.

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