Thursday, July 3, 2008

How to make accounting software cool

Microsoft tapped a cutting-edge ad agency to craft an offbeat, viral campaign aimed at small business owners.

NEW YORK (Fortune) -- It was too weird to be true. In late 2006, a series of videos appeared on YouTube about a Willow Springs, Ill., resident named Kyle Bone who'd created a successful product called "the anti-shirt" - a shirt that exposed the area of one's torso that a normal tee shirt would cover and revealed the area that would otherwise be exposed. In short, said Bone, it cured the age-old problem of "farmer's tan."

Viewers who investigated Bone's site found a link to another site,, where they could enter an American Idol-like search for the best small business idea in America. And, oh, they would also download a free copy of Microsoft Office Accounting.

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