Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Economic necessity is the mother of software reuse

Here is an assertion you are unlikely to see anywhere other than in this article: an economic recession right now would do the Web the world of good.

Wow! How could that possible be true? Lets suck all the money out of the system and see what happens? Sounds painful. Sounds suicidal. Has McGrath finally lost it?

Money is a constraint. I have written before about how important constraints are in software development. In a nutshell, constraints are the wellspring from which many good things come. Money, it could be argued, is the granddaddy of all constraints.

When money is tight in software development, what happens? Well, teams look to cut capital costs and to keep overheads as low as possible. Two good ways to keep capital costs down are to use open source software technologies and to use ISPs to rent hardware/connectivity rather than buy hardware. How are these good for the Web?

Well, the Web thrives in large part because of the quality of open source and the fact that low cost software makes horizontal scaling economically viable. The more developers who are developing on these open components the better for the openness of the Web as a whole. Also, the more developers utilize the Web itself to develop for the Web - the stronger the Web ecosystem becomes. Web based source code control systems. Web based issue trackers...

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Web application development is one aspect that has picked up in the current times and it is one of the most inevitable aspects at that. Ecommerce or to put it in layman's words business on the net is impossible without what we technically term as web applications. However, web application development has to be effective enough to earn business; otherwise it is as good as non existent.

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