Friday, April 4, 2008

The Future of Enterprise Software

Attended what was billed as a smackdown between SAP and Salesforce last night at the Churchill Club's "Great Debate: The Future of Enterprise Software." The two belligerents were Hasso Plattner, co-founder of SAP, and Mark Benioff, found of

Overall, the discussion was supposed to focus on the potential of SaaS vs. on-premises; however, there was a lot of jostling between the two, with Benioff particularly pitching the virtues of Salesforce.

Nonetheless, the session was enlightening, and held some interesting lessons for you, the CIOs of the world.

Benioff pushed the notion of multi-tenancy hosted apps, and how that get critical updates immediately applied to every user organization. According to him, the offering, which has been extended to be a general purpose platform, should be the basis for everyones' apps going forward -- including, he maintain, SAP. This is because Salesforce has such experience and insight about building highly reliable, scalable infrastructure.

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