Sunday, March 9, 2008

IBM promotes agile development

IBM again touted agile software development methods on Tuesday at the Software Development Conference & Expo West 2008 in Santa Clara, Calif., with an official saying the company itself probably has one of the world's largest adoptions of agile methods.

In a keynote presentation and in correspondence afterward, Per Kroll, chief architect for IBM Rational expertise development and Innovation, cited the company's proliferation of agile practices among some of its approximately 35,000 developers.

"I think in general we have 1,000-plus people [using] agile in the IBM community," with an additional 2,000 trained in agile practices, Kroll said. He said, though, that he did not anticipate that all 35,000 IBM software developers would adopt the methodology.

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1 comment:

juwai said...

This post is really nice and informative. The explanation given is really comprehensive and informative..

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