Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Google Announces 2008 Developer Events

Google's developer events are a place for developers to celebrate this moment, collaborate with each other, and learn about faster and better paths to successful web applications and a better web."

Google, today announced a new developer event for 2008: Google I/O(tm), a two day, in depth gathering for developers to share knowledge about Google's own developer products and web application development in general. Google I/O will be held at the Moscone Center in San Francisco on Wednesday, May 28th, and Thursday, May 29th, 2008.

Google IO Logo"It's an incredibly exciting time to be a web developer, with so many powerful APIs, open distribution platforms, and development tools becoming available for easy and often free consumption," said Vic Gundotra, vice president of engineering for developer products at Google.

"As a community, developers are shaping the future of the web, putting foundations in place now that future generations of users won't be able to imagine living without. Google's developer events are a place for developers to celebrate this moment, collaborate with each other, and learn about faster and better paths to successful web applications and a better web."

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