Friday, May 16, 2008

Why change management is critical to Web 2.0 success

Rolling out social software in an organisation isn’t akin to buying another version of Oracle. There is a degree of organisational readiness that needs to be achieved in order to successfully deploy and absorb the changes associated with Web 2.0. And this change management has caught many businesses unaware.

Since Web 2.0 poked its way into the corporate province, firms have been gearing up to implement social software in internets, intranets and extranets. And whether it’s being used to communicate with customers or enable collaboration between employees, this year will see more businesses than ever embrace the possibilities of Web 2.0.

A survey of 1,800 executives worldwide by McKinsey last year, for instance, revealed that a fifth of them were already using blogs to improve customer service or solicit customer feedback. It’s a sure bet that 2008 will see firms not only exploring blogs, but also peer to peer networking, social networks and podcasts.

But rolling out social software in an organisation isn’t akin to buying another version of Oracle. There is a certain degree of organisational readiness that needs to be achieved in order to successfully deploy and absorb the changes associated with implementing social software. And the change management necessary to precede such a Web 2.0 strategy has caught many businesses unaware.

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1 comment:

bineesh said...

Thanks for sharing...
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