Friday, October 24, 2008

When will Microsoft regain its identity?

Remember the days when everyone knew that Microsoft was a software company? The company's focus was placed squarely on Windows, Internet Explorer, and Microsoft Office, and no one even considered the possibility of it becoming an online firm or providing any other service outside of the software industry.

But now, everything is different.

Instead of focusing all its attention on the software space, Microsoft has decided that it needs to split its attention into different markets in order to stay successful in the industry. Now, it's not only a software company, but it runs a video game business, and has consistently tried to cement itself in the online space. And even in that online space, it can't decide if it wants to focus all its time on Live Mesh, search, or advertising.

Microsoft focusing its attention in other markets isn't necessarily a bad thing. After all, it's one of the most important and prominent companies in tech and to think that it shouldn't expand outside software is ludicrous. But the main problem I have with Microsoft's identity problem is that it doesn't know how to focus.

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