Thursday, August 28, 2008

IBM Announces New Software to Transform the Way People Collaborate

IBM, at the IBM Rational Software Development Conference, has announced new software that will transform how people will collaborate, thereby driving greater value and performance from their globally distributed software investments. The company announced 20 products that break down the walls that inhibit organizations from truly collaborating with partners, suppliers, customers and their employees.

These new offerings use IBM's Jazz collaborative technology to help geographically distributed software delivery teams work together in an open, real-time and transparent manner to more effectively deliver and source software solutions.

IBM said the biggest challenge Indian companies face is the impact of globalization, which is forcing them to become more nimble. In the world of software delivery, this means around the clock collaboration with specialized teams around the globe to pick up where another left off. For other stakeholders in an organization, such as lawyers, a finance department, CIO or CEO, there is an increased need for visibility into how the software is delivered on a global scale.

Technologies built on,or using, Jazz can interoperate with software from other vendors allowing customers to significantly improve their ability to communicate data within and between their enterprise.

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