Monday, April 21, 2008

Web Designing Tender - Web-Based Information Collection

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Project Details:

Type : Tender

Id : 10100150

Category : Web Design and Development, Database Development Services

Title : Web-Based Information Collection

Estimated Budget : Need Best Proposals

Description :

We are USA based medical organization. We are looking for a reputed firm to design, manage a database and web-based information collection & reporting process and to provide hosting and future maintenance of the website that interfaces with the database. The database will be collected via web-based GUI direct input or via optical scanning or faxed input.
Various Requirements:

  1. The database must be easily used to create regular reports for the end users and for special projects designated by us to evaluate the nature of the therapies, demographics, co-morbidities and outcomes attendant to surgical, procedural and anesthetic care of patients at the various facilities and associated with the practices of the various members.

  2. Routine reports shall be made accessible to the end-users, with the capability of modifying the reporting structure by altering dates, nature of procedure(s), patient demographic, size of facility, and other similar data given to the end user.

  3. Data elements to be collected will be provided to the provider by the appointed representatives, with an initial or ‘basic’ package of elements to be collected in all instances of care by all end-users.

  4. Ensure constant upkeep of site functionality and frequent content update, including broken links.

  5. General updates executed within 5 days, emergency updates executed within 2 days, search engine registrations.

  6. Data Research.

  7. Website traffic reports at specified intervals and on request.

  8. Creation of new user interface/layouts.

  9. Provide all appropriate firewall and other security systems with the latest technology such that all PHI data and the access to the database will be at all times secure.

Note: It is recognized that the various elements of this tender (i.e., database creation, interface creation, webhosting, administrative management of end-user interfaces, data collection and management, etc.) may not all fall within the capability of one business entity or provider. We welcome the proposal of any provider that would be for any portion or portions of this tender. Costs for each component including ongoing maintenance and report capabilities should be detailed.
Proposals due by noon Central Time on June 2, 2008. Finalists may be invited to give presentation to Board of Directors via web-based phone conference. For more details have a look on attachments. Proposals must be sent to the given mailing address only. No phone calls will be entertained.

Country : United States

Status : Closed

Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

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