Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Software Tender - Crime and Intelligence Software Systems

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Project Details:

Type : Tender

Id : 17839765

Category : Software & Technology,Database Development Services

Title : Crime and Intelligence Software Systems

Estimated Budget : Need Best RFP


We are UK based seeking to establish a Framework Arrangement for the supply of a Crime Management and Intelligence System, based on a Records Management System (RMS) that will deliver the required functionality detailed below within the time constraints identified and that is proven in an operational environment.

The Authorities are looking to procure an existing Crime Management and Intelligence system, proven in an operational environment.

Service Providers are required to demonstrate that the system they provide will also allow for the following areas of functionality; either (detailed below) already available or to be developed within the next four years. In view of the extended timescales, these requirements would be subject to separate contractual arrangements.

These areas of functionality include, but are not limited to:
  1. Case Preparation,
  2. Child Protection,
  3. Custody,
  4. Collision Administration,
  5. Domestic Violence,
  6. Missing Persons,
  7. Licensing,
  8. Property Management,
  9. Scientific Support,
  10. Serious & Organized Crime Investigation and Case Preparation,
  11. Facial Image Capture,
  12. Warrants,
  13. Hate Crime,
  14. Abuse of Vulnerable Adults,
  15. Activity Analysis.
We have attached the document that will help you for the Tender Application. The Closing date for the Tender is 6/19/2008.

Interested Service Providers are requested to apply for the Tender before the DEADLINE.

Country :United Kingdom

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