Thursday, July 31, 2008

7 ways to improve software release management

To come to fruition, software projects take investment, support, nurturing and a lot of hard work and dedication. Good release management practices ensure that when your software is built, it will be successfully deployed to the people who want to use it. You have the opportunity to satisfy existing customers and hopefully to win new ones.

A major U.K. telecommunications provider had a problem. It needed to implement a business critical supplier switch, which required it to reengineer its billing and account management systems. These systems had to be in place within three months, otherwise the organization risked losing hundreds of millions of pounds and a decline in their stock value. But the telecom's development processes were poor, and its release management was extremely problematic and inconsistent.

The company brought us in to help deliver the software within the time constraints and to turnaround a failing release management process. Within three months, we'd released both the pending releases and two scheduled releases of the reengineered applications. Most important, we established a straightforward and lightweight release management process to ensure that future releases would happen on time and to the required quality. Follow along as we show you how we did it-including the mistakes we made.

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