Friday, August 28, 2009

Use of Non-Genuine Software Raises Security Threat

Companies using pirated software are more vulnerable to critical systems failure, which in turn adversely affects their operation, a KPMG study said.

As per the study conducted by the global consulting firm, companies using non-genuine software are 43 per cent more likely to have critical systems failure.

The use of non-genuine or pirated software can potentially disrupt the smooth functioning of an organisation by adversely affecting their system security infrastructure, KPMG said.

Further, it highlighted that using non-genuine software not only increases threat of data loss and intrusions to personal systems, but also to critical information, communication and telecom infrastructure of the society thereby threatening national security.

Also, it has significant direct and indirect information security implications for the government and corporate organisations as well as individuals when deploying non-genuine software, KPMG said.

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