Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Software gives firms power over energy use

Cisco Systems is poised to ramp up its network equipment to not only ferry Internet traffic, but intelligently reduce power consumption for corporate customers.

The world's largest networking company is due to announce today a new software technology called EnergyWise that can allow users to monitor and manage energy usage from phones, PCs and building control units all from one of Cisco's switches.

The multiphase rollout of the initiative, which gets under way next month, will allow customers to first control power-over-Ethernet devices such as phones and wireless access points and then later computers and printers and eventually building heating and air-conditioning units. Lighting and elevators should be possible by early next year. The free software will work on an expanding number of Cisco's Catalyst switches, including many models made over the past five years.

"EnergyWise automates what you do at home as you walk around and turn off lights and air-conditioning in different rooms," said Inbar Lasser-Raab, director of market management for Cisco Network Systems' business unit. "It turns off devices that are not needed at the time or switches them to a lower power consumption mode."

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