Sunday, August 17, 2008

When Is Agile Development Not So Agile?

I’ve written about Agile software development twice in the past month, highlighting its potential to help developers produce enterprise applications that will actually help business users do their jobs.

Many companies struggle with Agile because it’s so different from the traditional waterfall method of software development. Now, change wouldn’t seem to be a bad thing, considering the low opinion many business users have of enterprise software. But it scares many executives, who prefer to lumber along, doggedly sticking to their usual path, instead of picking up the pace and risking a fall.

But even this change-averse approach might be preferable to making a half-assed commitment to change. That’s one of the lessons contained in a article about a misguided effort to adopt Agile methods that ended up looking a lot like a traditional waterfall project with a thin veneer of Agile. The result, writes the author:

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