Thursday, August 7, 2008

Google Pushing Software to Low-cost Linux PCs

With an eye for larger adoption of Linux, Google is actively working with open-source developers to integrate its applications in the OS, a Linux developer said on Tuesday.

By working with developers, Google may be trying to push more of its applications in netbooks, low-cost laptops designed to run basic applications for Web surfing and e-mail, said David Liu, Good OS Founder and President, at the Linuxworld conference in San Francisco.

Google's software offerings includes Web-based applications like Google Docs and Spreadsheets and Google Gadgets, mini-applications that sit on desktops to perform small desktop functions. Although in their infancy, shipments for netbooks are expected to explode in the next few years.

Google and Good collaborated to pre-load Google's Gadget mini-applications on GOS Gadgets 3, Good's upcoming Linux distribution, Liu said. The mini-applications allow users to play games and check system applications like battery power and the strength of a wireless network signal.

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