Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Can Microsoft make users 'love' its software?

At Microsoft's Convergence conference, the company claimed that it could get end-users to not just accept but love its Dynamics ERP and CRM software

End-user adoption is often cited as a key stumbling block in ERP (enterprise resource planning) and CRM implementations. But Microsoft is asserting that improvements in its Dynamics line of software will have users swooning with passion, not seething with frustration.

"About two years ago, I started making the claim within Dynamics not to just be the best in the industry, but really make something people love," said Jakob Nielsen, principal user experience manager for Dynamics, at the company's Convergence conference in Orlando, Florida, on Wednesday.

The problem, as Nielsen noted, is that "when it comes to emotional connections with business software, it's not so positive most of the time. 'Hate' is probably the word used more often."

While users traditionally want their software to be usable and useful, Microsoft's research also considered a third factor: The seemingly elusive "desirability."

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