Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Top Five Benefits of Virtualized Software Development

Over the past years, server virtualization has made great inroads in the data center. It promises to improve data center efficiency and lower overall cost of ownership by solving persistent challenges, such as server proliferation, CPU underutilization and application isolation. But server virtualization is not the only game in town; both startups and established companies are racing to introduce application and OS virtualization products that will virtualize the desktop. And now, a third virtualization front is emerging in the area of virtualized software development (VSD).

VSD targets embedded applications, mostly software applications embedded into electronics devices, such as cell phones, set-to-box, routers, complex aerospace equipment and war devices. But embedded applications also are found in blade, server or any high performance computing equipment. VSD is a product development strategy that frees development from dependence on the real hardware on which your application will be deployed. Instead VSD enables the deployment of technology, products and best practices to execute development on the desktop.

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