Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Outsourced product development firms see no impact of rising rupee

Rupee appreciation and a possible slowdown of the US economy, is hardly having an impact on the growth of the outsourced product development (OPD) firms in India. They provide product engineering services to global software firms.

Apart from hedging to negate the impact of Re-appreciation on their margins, most OPD firms are adopting multiple ways like increasing the billing rates and going in for bigger customers to offset the impact of Rupee appreciation. In terms of business from the US, OPD companies are witnessing a strong rise in the number of new customers.

“On an average, we are adding 4-5 customers every quarter, and now even relatively larger ones. In many cases, our clients are open to any increase in costs, considering the problems we are facing due to the Rupee-rise. Customers are also approaching us for certain specialised areas like product globalisation, product migration and test automation,” said Gowri Shankar Subramanian, CEO of Chennai-based Aspire Systems.

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