We are an Ireland based organization. We are seeking for a qualified and experienced service provider for our requirement of development of an Accounting & Payroll software package which could take care of all of our administrative and reporting issues relating to payroll and accounting.
Functionality Requirements: Payroll Package must be able to carry out the following
A) All Revenue requirements - PAYE, PRSI
B) Private deductions – PRSA, Health Insurance, Trade Union etc
C) Creation and printing of pay slips together with facility to review pay slip on screen
D) Production of P60, P30, P35 and P45
E) Facility for processing of P35 through ROS.
F) System will provide access to historical data
G) The system needs to be able to ensure that employees always make the correct contributions as in some cases income may be irregular
Accounting Package must carry out the following: A) Nominal Ledger, Profit & Loss and Balance Sheets
B) Bank Reconciliation: To record multiple bank accounts and their details, to enter payments and receipts and save bank reconciliations part-way through
C) Departmental Analysis: To manage the performance of departments, to analyze single payments charged out over a number of departments and to possess the capacity to drill down to the level of information and detail required.
D) Budgeting: To set budgets and review expenditure against budgets monthly.
E) Cash Flow Planning: To review outstanding payments and facilitate cash flow planning.
F) Report Generator: To provide the ability to customize system reports and information to meet the requirements of the individual user.
G) Reconcile Reports: To provide facility to drill down from the figures on consolidated reports direct to the transactions that make up the figures.
H) Integration of reports with Excel: Management need to be able to access and work with accounts data outside of the package.
I) Historical Data Analysis: The ability to be able to recall data without having to restore a backup
J) Accountant Link: Send information to the accountant electronically and facilitate remote access
K) E-Banking: The system will permit the operation of e banking.
Our Budget is 50000 Euro Payment will be made after the agreed date of delivery. We expect our requirement to get fulfilled within 120 days commencing from the closing date. Interested service providers are requested to contact us on or before 28th July 2009 by 12:00 pm via post, courier or hand delivery only. This tender is Global and off site. Service providers may have to visit our location for meetings and briefings.
Country : Ireland
Status: Closed
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