The more counterfeit software companies use in their networks, the greater their risk of encountering IT related problems, according to a new Harrison Group study commissioned by Microsoft (NSDQ:MSFT).
The study compared midmarket companies (defined as firms with between 24 and 500 PCs) in the U.S., U.K., China, and Brazil that use fully licensed software with ones that have allowed pirated software to play a role in their operations, in a comparison not unlike the 'Goofus And Gallant' cartoon of Highlights magazine fame.
In a Monday blog post, Alex Kochis, senior product manager in the Windows Genuine Advantage group, said companies that use pirated software are more likely to encounter system failures that lead to data loss and employee downtime.
"The biggest difference between companies that are committed to using genuine software and those that aren't relates to loss of sensitive data and critical system failures that impact more employees and customers," Kochis wrote.
The report asserts that using fully licensed software is a fundamental cornerstone of business success, and shouldn't be seen as a policy that will add weight to IT budgets.
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Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Microsoft Says Pirated Software Invites Disaster
Posted by Software Projects at 8:51 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 29, 2008
Software Tender - Web Content Management System is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.
Project Details:
Type : Tender
Id : 21002138
Category : Software & Technology
Title : Web Content Management System
Estimated Budget : 40000$ to 80000$ (Australian Dollars)
Description :
Specific CMS requirements:
- Very simple to use for non-technical authors.
- Common tasks (such as creating and updating pages) in the CMS should be streamlined, with the number of steps and clicks minimized.
- Overall time needed to complete common tasks should be minimized.
- The CMS should be robust and error-proof, for example: ensuring that content is not lost if authors ‘click away’ from the current page.
- Locking down the formatting controls available to authors, with the expectation that they will be only able to specify bold, italic, superscript, subscripts, links, etc (and not font, colour, and the like).
- Most of the content will be cut-and-pasted from Microsoft Word. The CMS must therefore strip out the formatting and hidden codes introduced by Microsoft Word, to ensure the HTML is valid and accessible.
- Lists and bullets in the source Word document should be mapped across to standard HTML list tags.
- Authors should not be required to have HTML knowledge when writing content. Access to any ‘view as HTML’ mode should be restricted.
- Automated publishing of pages on specified future publishing dates (and times).
- Ability to enter specific URL ‘aliases’ that point to pages on the site.
Country : Australia
Status : Closed
Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here
Posted by Software Projects at 9:15 PM 0 comments
Labels: Outsource Software Tender, Software and Technology, Software Tenders, Software Tenders Outsourcing
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Web design Project - Forum Installation in website is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.
Project Details:
Type :Project
Id : 43791029
Category : Web Design and Development
Title : Forum Installation in website
Estimated Budget : Need Best Praposal
Description :
- User can create his account
- Forgot password option, in case user forget password they can enter email ID and get password in email ID.
- Accessibility for Admin user to delete unwanted members.
- Forum must be like a part of website, following the same layout and menu bar
- We do not need any third part to start their forum.
Country : United States
Status : Closed
Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here
Posted by Software Projects at 9:36 PM 0 comments
Labels: Outsource Web designing Projects, we, Web Design Project
Friday, September 26, 2008
Microsoft outlines ALM plans
Company also touts pillars of Visual Studio 2010, which will include the previously standalone Team System 2008 Database Edition.
Under the banner of democratizing application lifecycle management, Microsoft is unveiling on Monday the next major release of its Visual Studio Team System platform,
Visual Studio Team System 2010, which has been codenamed "Rosario," focuses on collaboration between the different persons involved in the software development process. The company also is revealing "pillars" of Visual Studio 2010, which is the next version of the company’s development environment, and the accompanying .Net Framework 4.0 programming model. Visual Studio 2010 recently had been referred to as Visual Studio 10.
In ALM, integration of roles is key for the 2010 release.
"As we think about the challenge around democratizing ALM, there's a few different roles inside of the application lifecycle that we feel incumbent to do a better job of integrating so we can enable a collaboration between those roles," said Dave Mendlen, director of developer marketing at Microsoft.
These roles include lead developer, architect, architect/lead developer in one role, general purpose developer, database developer, and tester. "Our plan is to try to break down the walls between these roles," Mendlen said.
Visual Studio Team System has featured role-based products for testers, architects, developers and database developers. With the 2010 edition, Microsoft is recognizing a blurring of roles between developer and database developer and thus is eliminating the database-specific product, which has been called Team System 2008 Database Edition.
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Posted by Software Projects at 9:26 PM 0 comments
Labels: Microsoft
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Software Project - Software & Web Development Experts Requirement is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.
Project Details:
Type : Project
Id : 18582952
Category :Software & Technology,Web Design and Development
Title : Software & Web Development Experts Requirement
Estimated Budget :Upto 25,000 INR
Description :
Country : India
Status : Closed
Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here
Posted by Software Projects at 9:33 PM 0 comments
Labels: Outsource Software Project, Software and Technology, Software Projects, Software Tenders Outsourcing
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Web design Tender - New Website Designing is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.
Project Details:
Type :Tender
Id : 78880057
Category : Web Design and Development
Title : New Website Designing
Estimated Budget : Request for Proposal
Description :
Scope of services:
- Provide design and programming services for new website.
- The new site and design should be tested and compatible for primary browsers such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc.
- The new site should be designed for 1024 X 768 display.
- The home page should include links to dashboards or other navigation serving four primary audiences: employees, parents, students, community.
- The home page should include a rotating news feature. The feature should offer up to six items with photos and headline which rotate and can be selected for viewing by the user.
- The home page should include “quick-links” to frequently visited sites, to be managed by the webmaster.
- The separate dashboards (or other structure) will include a list of popular topics germane to each respective audience.
- The site must support characters for non-English languages; especially Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, and others.
- Provide a content management system.
- Provide a district events calendar feature.
- Some pages of the current website may be blank or contain outdated or unusable content. The company should consult with us to determine which web pages should be discarded.
Country : United States
Status : Closed
Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here
Posted by Software Projects at 10:58 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Microsoft becomes high priest of secure software development
Historically, Microsoft was bashed for security holes in its software that led to worm outbreaks on desktops and servers around the globe and other problems. In 2002, the company saw the light and launched its Trustworthy Computing initiative, elevating security to the top priority, and began designing and building products with security in mind.
Six years later, the company's conversion seems to have worked with vulnerabilities dropping by about half from Windows XP to Windows Vista by 90 percent between SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2005.
But the environment has changed--Web applications have eclipsed desktop applications as people move more and more of their computing online. Now, 60 percent of new vulnerabilities are in Web apps, and only 14 percent of them are from the top five independent software vendors, like Microsoft and its ilk, according to research from IBM's X-Force.
Microsoft has gone from being the vendor responsible for the greatest proportion of vulnerabilities to being third, with 2.5 percent share, the research shows. The lion's share of the vulnerabilities come from start-ups racing to get their products to market. And 70 percent of them are doing the security testing and review after they release the product, Microsoft said.
So now Microsoft is trying to convert others to the cause, offering free tools that outside developers can use to assess their software development security practices and analyze their software designs to look for security weaknesses and threats.
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Posted by Software Projects at 10:43 PM 0 comments
Labels: Microsoft, Software Development
Monday, September 22, 2008
Software Tender - Development of Advanced Verification Software is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.
Project Details:
Type : Tender
Id : 70528646
Category : Software & Technology
Title : Development of Advanced Verification Software
Estimated Budget : Request for Proposal
Description :
Advanced Verification Software shall contain the following features:
- Advanced Verification Methodology (AVM)
- Unified coverage database
- Integrated debug and analysis
- SystemVerilog, SystemC, Verilog, VHDL, PSL
- Questa Verification Library (QVL)
- 32 and 64-bit platform support for Windows
Country : India
Status : Closed
Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here
Posted by Software Projects at 10:34 PM 1 comments
Labels: Outsource Software Tender, Software and Technology, Software Tenders, Software Tenders Outsourcing
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Web design Project - WIKI Database Project is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.
Project Details:
Type :Project
Id : 10483491
Category : Web Design and Development,Database Development Services
Title : WIKI Database Project
Estimated Budget : Upto 250 USD
Description :
Country : Thailand
Status : Closed
Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here
Posted by Software Projects at 9:46 PM 1 comments
Labels: Outsource Web designing Projects, we, Web Design Project
Friday, September 19, 2008
Microsoft Seeks Secure Software Development
Company will introduce SDL Threat Modeling Tool 3.0, an evolution of the Trustworthy Computing initiative.
Microsoft wants to take what it has learned about secure software development in-house and share its insights with others.
The company on Tuesday will offer up guidance and a tool based on Security Development Lifecycle (SDL), a security assurance process unveiled in 2004 and serving as an evolution of the company's Trustworthy Computing initiative. Deliverables include Microsoft SDL Threat Modeling Tool 3.0, for structured analysis of security and privacy issues; Microsoft SDL Optimization Model, for assessing security, and Microsoft SDL Pro Network, offering security guidance and SDL best practices. All will be available in November.
"What we're doing [what is] called SDL for the development ecosystem," said Steve Lipner, Microsoft senior director of security engineering strategy, during a meeting at InfoWorld' San Francisco offices last week.
Analyst data, Lipner said, has shown that 10 percent of organizations test for security during the implementation phase of software, 20 percent test during the verification phase, and 70 percent wait until the software already is in use. "What that means is that basically, you're putting it out there hoping nobody will break into it," he said.
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Posted by Software Projects at 9:52 PM 1 comments
Labels: Microsoft, Software Development
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Software Project - Setup of Remote Server is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.
Project Details:
Type : Project
Id : 18838278
Category :Software & Technology,Miscellaneous (Others),
Title : Setup of Remote Server
Estimated Budget : Looking for Proposal
Description :
Country : United States
Status : Closed
Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here
Posted by Software Projects at 9:13 PM 0 comments
Labels: Outsource Software Project, Software and Technology, Software Projects, Software Tenders Outsourcing
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Web design Tender - Ongoing Web Development & Maintenance of Websites is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.
Project Details:
Type :Tender
Id : 78561020
Category : Web Design and Development
Title : Ongoing Web Development & Maintenance of Websites
Estimated Budget :Request for Proposal
Description :
Scope of services:
- Develop a new “Student Area” to provide interesting and highly visual/interactive introduction to our technology.
- Develop a new “Teachers Area” to include Professional Development resources, curriculum materials, downloads and research documents and references to Irish and International best practice.
- Integrate online registration forms with the existing CRM database.
- Extend ability to upload photographs, video and text notes from mobile phones.
- Provide facilities to incorporate other Web2.0 and collaboration tools to be incorporated within the platform.
- Update design of frontend website.
- The majority of Discover Science & Engineering websites are hosted within a consolidated contract with an external hosting service provider.
- There will be provision for backup and recovery.
- Test all new web features including logins, administration level access and content upload facilities.
- As part of the development and/or maintenance of the website, the chosen provider may be given access to personal data collected through the websites such as website log files, email addresses (for newsletter subscriber lists) and contact details (from online forms).
Country : Ireland
Status : Closed
Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here
Posted by Software Projects at 10:44 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Offshore software outsourcing. why China and why now?
While many of Britain’s software organisations may now be grappling with concerns over a cooling economic climate, rising operational costs and ongoing skills resourcing pinch-points, the moment may present a great opportunity for China’s emerging software development outsourcing industry to make its presence felt.
Recessions may not be bad news for everyone. Whilst many of Britain’s software organisations may now be grappling with concerns over a cooling economic climate, rising operational costs and ongoing skills resourcing pinch-points, the moment may present a great opportunity for China’s emerging software development outsourcing industry to make its presence felt, challenging the Indian value proposition that has been the dominant port of call for those considering an offshore strategy. All of which could give software development firms and IT management departments pause for thought.
To China watchers, this is not a surprise. The country’s return to the front of the world’s stage by successfully hosting the 29th Olympiad was actually just the most visible public face of what has, behind the scenes, been a major outward facing strategy for the nation’s domestic industries. Enjoying full support from national and provincial governments determined to move up the products and services value chain, China’s commercial and technology growth objectives for the next decade or more are anchored on accelerating beyond being the world’s manufacturing assembly hub, to becoming instead a key player in the 21st century’s knowledge economy. In this overall picture, the software product and services sector can be seen as a linchpin in helping to achieve these goals, through the development of high technology services, product oriented research and export driven international reach.
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Posted by Software Projects at 9:50 PM 0 comments
Labels: It Outsourcing, Offshore software Development, Software and Technology, Software Outsourcing
Monday, September 15, 2008
Software Project - Software Development for Hotel Business is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.
Project Details:
Type : Project
Id : 20646411
Category :Software & Technology
Title : Software Development for Hotel Business
Estimated Budget : 20000 INR
Description :
Country : India
Status : Closed
Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here
Posted by Software Projects at 9:59 PM 0 comments
Labels: Outsource Software Project, Software and Technology, Software Projects, Software Tenders Outsourcing
Friday, September 12, 2008
The UK could experience a shortage of skilled software developers following proposals to toughen immigration of foreign IT workers, it has been claime
The UK could experience a shortage of skilled software developers following proposals to toughen immigration of foreign IT workers, it has been claimed.
According to Computerworld UK, earlier this week the Migration Advisory Committee published a report that listed sheep-shearers and ballet dancers as careers suffering a staff supply shortage in the UK, but failed to mention software developers.
Iain Smith, founder of IT human resources consultancy Diaz Research told the news provider companies will be forced to increasingly rely on offshoring software development.
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Posted by Software Projects at 11:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: Software Development
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Software Tender - ACD Call Center Software is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.
Project Details:
Type : Tender
Id : 56367754
Category : Software & Technology
Title : ACD Call Center Software
Estimated Budget : Need Best Proposals
Description :
Interested providers are requested to provide in your proposal an approximate life cycle cost model for the overall ACD solution with approximate pricing information for each item. Interested providers are requested to send their detailed proposal on or before 5:00 pm, September 19 2008. For more specification, please have a look on attachment.
Country : United States
Status : Closed
Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here
Posted by Software Projects at 9:31 PM 0 comments
Labels: Outsource Software Tender, Software and Technology, Software Tenders, Software Tenders Outsourcing
Monday, September 8, 2008
IntoMobile Will Google's Android Kill the iPhone?
HTC recently announced that it is all set to commercially launch the first smartphone running Google’s much-awaited Android platform on T-Mobile USA’s network. The product, which might be called the HTC G1 or HTC Dream, is expected to be available by Christmas to cash-in on the shopping season.
The device will then be launched in other global markets gradually. Google also publicly released the new Android SDK (Software Development Kit) to software developers. The last one was made available only to contest winners which made some developers feel less than appreciated. According to experts, the new SDK comes with a brand new interface that addresses a lot of the problems older versions had — it’s a lot simpler, and most things make sense, or are easy to figure out.
If you are really interested in trying out the device before buying your own, download the SDK, unzip the file into a directory on your computer, open the ‘Tools’ directory and double-click on the ‘emulator.exe’ application. A simulator will open up that lets you play with the operating system — mind you, there’s not a whole lot you can do with it until there is some kind of way to find and install applications from some sort of application directory. According to news reports, the previous version was filled with usability problems that made the device pretty much useless. So does the launch of Android-based devices spell doom for Apple’s iPhone? Over the past few years, Apple has launched millions of iPhones and it still continues to be a major hit among smartphone buyers – similar to what iPod was among digital music player buyers.
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Posted by Software Projects at 9:30 PM 0 comments
Labels: SDK, Software Development Kit
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Software Project - Java Based Web Phone Application is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.
Project Details:
Type : Project
Id : 16285554
Category :Software & Technology
Title : Java Based Web Phone Application
Estimated Budget :Upto 500 USD
Description :
- Local signaling (Dial tone, busy, ring back, etc.) for user comfort.
- Micro Phone Volume Control
- Speaker Volume Control
- Guaranty working on Windows (XP, Vista), MacOS, Linux (Ubuntu, OpenSuse, Mandriva) another distributives not important
- Source code of this phone with possibility to make some modifications
- Touch Tone
- Support different codec, such as gsm, G.711mu, G.711a,G.729 etc
- Work with any full-duplex sound card
- UPNP NAT/Firewall support, stable SIP RTP ports
- Possibility to change a options of those applet (grand or deny all incoming calls, SIP account and settings of this account).
Country : Finland
Status : Closed
Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here
Posted by Software Projects at 10:12 PM 0 comments
Labels: Outsource Software Project, Software and Technology, Software Projects, Software Tenders Outsourcing
Friday, September 5, 2008
Should software developers fear Facebook, Apple?
It's hard to think of Apple and Facebook as obstructions to innovation and the free flow of information, but that's exactly what the companies could become one day, according to Jonathan Zittrain, a Harvard law professor and a proponent of free speech on the Web.
Apple and Facebook have generated lots of consumer satisfaction by each creating environments where third-party developers can tailor software for the iPhone or Facebook's social network. Part of their success is due to the quality control the companies maintain over the applications running on their platforms, Zittrain said. But he also worries that Apple and Facebook--as well as other companies that might be tempted to follow their lead--will begin to exert more control over independent software development than ever before. He's skeptical this would be good for anyone.
In an interview with CNET last week, Zittrain said his fears were stoked recently when Apple and Facebook each made news for booting software apps off their platforms.
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Posted by Software Projects at 10:48 PM 1 comments
Labels: Software Developer, Software Development
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Web design Project - Designing of XML-Driven Flash Survey Website is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.
Project Details:
Type :Project
Id : 20486831
Category : Web Design and Development
Title : Designing of XML-Driven Flash Survey Website
Estimated Budget : Upto 3000 USD
Description :
Country : United States
Status : Closed
Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here
Posted by Software Projects at 10:30 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Software Tender - Web Content Management System is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.
Project Details:
Type : Tender
Id : 15553916
Category : Software & Technology
Title : Web Content Management System
Estimated Budget : 350000$ to 500000$ (Australian Dollar)
Total Requirement : System will Go Live On 30 January, 2009
Description :
- The ability to support active technologies on the facing web server (CGI, Perl, PHP, ASP, etc).
- The ability for administrators to configure the WCMS (e.g. workflow, user rights, business rules).
- The ability to interface with collaboration tools.
- The ability to publish Internet content using predetermined templates.
- The ability for a WCMS user to spell check content.
- The ability for the WCMS to incorporate multimedia files for publishing (eg: video and flash).
- The ability for a WCMS user to preview draft content as the site user would see it once published.
- The ability for a WCMS user to validate hyperlinks inserted in content, irrespective of the method used to insert them.
- The ability for a WCMS user to import content from external file formats (e.g. Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel).
- The ability for a task to escalate to a nominated user if the content has not been actioned.
Country : Australia
Status : Closed
Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here
Posted by Software Projects at 9:01 PM 2 comments
Labels: Outsource Software Tender, Software and Technology, Software Tenders, Software Tenders Outsourcing
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Should the gov't fund software development?
DIGITAL WORLD - Who's afraid of OpenOffice? Not the government of Israel, which will once again fund development of the Hebrew OpenOffice project. But to judge by some of the online comments reacting to this news, there are lots of Israelis who are afraid of Oo!
OpenOffice (, as everyone knows by now, is the free, open-source office suite, an alternative for many people (including yours truly) to Microsoft Office.
Writing in English as I do, I work mostly with the US English version of Oo (and its Mac brother, NeoOffice), generally using the word processor component of the suite, and occasionally building a Powerpoint-style presentation using Oo's Presentation component.
Now, this is not a story comparing the abilities, plusses and minuses, or other competitive aspects of the MS Office/OpenOffice issue - you can find reams of data about that in your friendly local Google search box. For most of those who have worked with both programs at one time or another, that battle was resolved a long time ago - depending on individual experience, need, disposable income (can you afford MS Office) or level of ethical commitment (do you refrain from pirating expensive software, especially if several perfectly good alternatives are available). For me, Oo works great; I haven't had compatibility issues for years, with everything I produce in OpenOffice readable and editable by those using MS Office, and vice versa. As far as I'm concerned, the war is over - and I (and my wallet) won!
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Posted by Software Projects at 10:38 PM 0 comments
Labels: Software Development
Web design Tender - Web Site Maintenance, Design & Hosting Services is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.
Project Details:
Type : Tender
Id : 12896711
Category : Web Design and Development
Title : Web Site Maintenance, Design & Hosting Services
Estimated Budget : Need Best Proposals
Total Requirement : The Contract will be for 3 Years
Description :
The term of the Agreement is expected to be a three-year (3-year) term.
General Requirements:
- Assume hosting responsibilities for the existing website.
- Maintain our existing website to be resourceful, informative, and serve as a marketing asset that provides a citizen/business friendly environment which emphasizes access to our services, information, and departments.
- Maintain and develop a highly beneficial, cost-effective, easy to use, interactive and architecturally sound website that is flexible enough to support our website needs for a minimum of five years.
- The website must provide for high-speed upload/download response times for both low and high speed computers that are used by the average citizen.
- All documents, including maps and tables, should be in Portable Document Format (PDF), HTML, or in a format approved by us to provide ease of viewing, printing, and downloading, and in alternate ADA acceptable download formats.
- The site must be designed for continuous operation 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with exception for times of scheduled maintenance.
- Telephone technical support during normal business hours.
- The selected provider’s representatives may be required to attend a public meeting during the approval process.
Country : United States
Status : Closed
Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here
Posted by Software Projects at 10:05 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 1, 2008
IBM’s Rational Software Analyser ups the game for coding error prevention
IBM has developed a tool to reduce errors in programming. Its Rational Software Analyser is designed to detect errors in software while the code is being written.
The product is basically a static code analyser, which is bit like a word processor for checking the "grammar" and "spelling" in source code. What sets IBM's Rational Software Analyser apart is that with its approach source code written in multiple languages can be analysed at the same time. The different pieces of source code are presented in the same integrated development environment.
Finding and fixing bugs in software is a costly business. Identifying and repairing software defects in a software application that is already in production can cost software developers more than £8100 for each defect.
An International Data Corporation (IDC) report found that economic conditions and problems with the way businesses are debugging software mean this could be a particularly important product. Companies are taking risks on software because, with businesses cutting staff in the tough market conditions, there are fewer people to fix bugs.
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Posted by Software Projects at 10:22 PM 0 comments
Labels: Software Development
Outsourcing Services